Late Night Ludlow recipes
If you caught Late Night Ludlow on our YouTube and want to recreate the recipes at home…. we’ve got you.
Squash Baked with Cheese & Cream, served with toasted cobnuts & braised Savoy Cabbage
Presented by appleTeme
Based on Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s recipe from River Cottage Cookbook.
This is per portion, using small squashes of about 1 kg
1 small squash
60g cheese, grated (strong cheddar-like, eg Winchester or White Fox)
60g double cream and 130g single cream
5 cobnuts
60g savoy cabbage
5-10g unsalted butter
5-10ml white wine
A large pinch of caraway seeds
freshly grated nutmeg, salt and freshly ground black pepper
Slice the top off the squashes, cutting obliquely to ensure your lid has something to sit on.
Scoop out the seeds and surrounding fibres from the squash and place the scooped-out squash on a baking tray or in an ovenproof dish.
Put the grated cheeses into the empty cavity of the squash, then pour in the creams until the cavity is two-thirds full then replace the lid.
Place in a fairly hot oven (190°C/Gas Mark 5) and cook for 50 minutes to one hour, depending on the size of the pumpkin. Test by removing the lid and poking at the flesh from the inside. It should be nice and tender (but the lid rests may be firm). It can sit for 20 minutes before serving if needed as it will stay very hot.
Toast the whole cobnuts in a dry frying pan, then rub off the brown skin. Chop to a medium size.
Slice each cabbage leaf down the central rib, then shred finely across the rib. Place in a lidded pan with the butter, caraway seeds, white wine and cook on a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring a couple of times.
Add a few gratings of nutmeg into the squash cavity with a little salt and plenty of black pepper. Scatter in some toasted cobnuts and replace the lid so the pumpkin is whole again.
Serve in flat dishes, with savoy cabbage placed around it, and the recommendation to stir it in.
Vampire Martini
Presented by Ludlow Gin
Convince your friends that you are Count Dracula’s latest victim with this blood red version of one of our favourite gin cocktails, the martini.
Equipment you’ll need:
1 pre-chilled martini glass
1 cocktail shaker
1 small bowl
2 measures Dubonnet
1 measure Ludlow Spiced Gin
1tbsp caster sugar
Natural red food colouring
Luxardo Maraschino cherries, to serve
In a shallow bowl, large enough for the rim of the glass, mix 1tbsp caster sugar with a few drops of red food colouring, and spread it around the bowl.
Dip the rim of your pre-chilled martini glass into lemon juice, and then into the prepared red sugar.
In a shaker, pour two measures of Dubonnet, and one of Ludlow Spiced Gin.
Add ice, shake and then strain into your chilled martini glass.
Serve with a Maraschino cherry.